
Archive for the ‘Low Tech’ Category

A Close Shave!

October 24, 2012 Leave a comment

Dear Reader, I’m afraid the last month or so has been something of a difficult period at work, with almost every conceivable technological failure, conspiring to occur in regular sequence to keep me away from putting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard, in this case).

I return to you today, however, refreshed and renewed, though I do not intend to tempt fate further, by choosing a highly technical subject on which to pour scorn. No, very much the opposite in fact, the object of my attention today is the humble Bic disposable razor.

BIC logo.svg

I found myself having to visit our Edinburgh office last week, to attend to an ailing server that was doing it’s level best to cough it’s final breath. I flew up there the night before, in order to get a nice early start, but, horror of horrors, the next morning, discovered that I had failed to pack my razor!

No problem, the local corner shop yielded up a packet of 5 Bic disposables for £2.99, problem solved.

Oh no, not by a long way, the problems were only just beginning! I first noticed the pain about halfway through the second stroke of the blade and the rivers of blood followed a few moments later. Within seconds and in true gothic horror, reminiscent of the ‘face wearing’ scene from Silence of the Lambs, this evil weapon of face destruction, had cut me to shreds!

Now, I cannot deny that I am no longer in the flush of youth and so have been managing to shave myself successfully for more years than I care to remember, without amputating any of my extremities, but these little sods came close! Consequently, the offending implement, along with it’s four companions and their packaging marked ‘Sensitive’, found their way directly into the bin!

Congratulations to Baron Marcel Bich, presumably a distant relative of the Marquis de Sade, for your contribution to men’s health, in the form of the disposable razor, a product that truly lives up to it’s name!


All this brings me neatly on to an ulterior motive for todays post. Despite my better judgement and medical advice, I have been coerced into participating in the Movember challenge to grow facial hair, on what remains of my upper lip, in aid of Prostate Cancer UK. If, therefore, my humble prose has inspired you to offer some form of sponsorship, any donation, no matter how small, would be more than welcome. You can visit my sponsorship page, and follow the ensuing hilarity, at


You’ll be glad to hear, by the way, that despite being weakened through severe blood loss and seeing pedestrians give me a wide berth in the street, I did manage to find my way to the office and repair the stricken server, leaving only minimal stains on the carpet.

Categories: Low Tech Tags: , ,